Sporty Mommas Style

Sporty Mommas Style
Ready for 2015

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday: Friends

You know the saying people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime? It is so true. Sometimes we have a hard time letting relationships go or we find it hard to start new friendships out of fear. Friendship is important and we need friends to keep us going, to remind us of where we use to be and to get us through those tough times.

Today I am so thankful to all of my friends. Some I see and speak to regularly and some I do not. Each one of them touched my life in a special way. When was the last time you told your friends how much they mean to you?


  1. I agree! A good circle of friends is very necessary in my opinion. I believe good friends hold such an amazing place in my heart because they choose to love you, support you, care for you and all around be there for you. Unlike family who because they are family sometimes have no choice but to love you friends decide whether or not they even want to and for someone to just WANT to be there for you is pretty fantastic. Don't get me wrong blood is always thicker than water but both are an important factor in keeping one alive! So be sure to surround yourself with good people.
