Sporty Mommas Style

Sporty Mommas Style
Ready for 2015

Monday, November 18, 2013

My My My!

What an incredible week! I was so overwhelmed and full of emotion that I had to pause from blogging to take a few days to let it all marinate. I'm back and ready for the challenge. Several ladies told me how awesome the Women's Success Summit was and how I should go but I had no idea what I was in for. I spent days preparing my merchandise and giveaways, trying to make sure everything was just right. It was, but something was missing. That is where the my, my, my comes in. After attending two long, emotional, challenging, incredible, uplifting days with successful women entrepreneurs, I learned two things. First, I am on the right track. Second, I have a long way to go.

So I have decided to dust off the what-ifs, put on my hard hat, pick up the tool box and make it happen. There is no better time than now. I encourage you to do the same. Whatever it is that you are trying to do, just do it.


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