Sporty Mommas Style

Sporty Mommas Style
Ready for 2015

Monday, February 17, 2014

Love YOU!

How many of you have days where you feel so overwhelmed that you want to go in a closet and hide? Do you over schedule activities to keep up with other moms? Maybe you even try to be just like one of your “mommy friends”. Well I am here to tell you that you are not alone. We live in a world where everyone is focused on everyone else. We can blame it on this crazy world of social media. Or just call it keeping up with the Jones’.

In order to live YOUR life to the fullest, you have to focus on you and not what others think or say about you. I know its easier said than done so let's tackle some ways that we can be our authentic selves and be proud of it.

1. You are awesome just the way you are.
Think about DNA. There is no one else in the world just like you. You are special, talented and amazing just the way you are.

2. As humans we are always evolving.
If you stay the same over the years, you are not growing and learning this game called life. When you grow, everyone around you may not be growing with you. Therefore, you may have to cut some people loose. Don't get upset if people don't understand the "new you". Be YOU

3. You are not perfect.
This is something that we strive to be but when you really step back and think about it, who do you know that is perfect? We all have our issues and make mistakes but it is the person that accepts that they are imperfect that go further and live their lives authentically.


*Picture via Pinterest

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