Sporty Mommas Style

Sporty Mommas Style
Ready for 2015

Monday, February 10, 2014


Happy Momday! I know it looks like I made a typo but I think today you should do something for YOU! It is a new work week and that means most of us will be running around between drop offs, pick ups, work, errands....oh and soccer practice. As we prepare for our busy weeks, take some time off for Mom. Do something new, buy a new dress or a pair of shoes. Whatever it is do it for you! You deserve it!!!!! So go ahead pull out your calendars and schedule some Momma time. If you need some ideas I jotted down a few.


1. Manicure/Pedicure

2. Massage

3. Long bubble bath (uninterrupted)

4. Shopping spree

5. Sign up for a class that you always wanted to take


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