Sporty Mommas Style

Sporty Mommas Style
Ready for 2015

Monday, February 24, 2014

Moving On Up

My weekend was ...... super busy! It all started on Friday when a friend of mine invited me to see Alvin Ailey. The bonus to attending this particular show was a private luncheon at the JW Mariott with Debra Lee, owner of BET and Tracy Mourning, founder of Honey Shine. It was so inspiring to see beautiful black women together sharing words of encouragement and gratitude. There were business owners, actresses, philanthropists, dancers even a few teachers. The icing on the cake was sitting right behind Gabrielle Union at lunch. I was a little star struck and did not have the nerve to ask for a picture, but I must say all of the ladies were friendly and graceful. Simply being in that room was a motivator to keep pushing and moving on up. I have a great vision and I embrace and accept that the best is yet to come. Every week more and more women discover Sporty Mommas and that's what I want to continue to do. I encourage you to keep moving toward your goals and don't let the little obstacles stop you. I have had my share of opposition and negativity but I have come to far to turn back now.

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