Sporty Mommas Style

Sporty Mommas Style
Ready for 2015

Monday, March 3, 2014

Busy Bee

This momma has been BUSY! Last week was full of preparations for Fashion in the Gardens, which was fabulous. I also had a few business meetings and calls with potential partners but the icing on the cake was my husband's 40th birthday party. He went from "I don't want a party to maybe I want a party" in about a weeks notice. So I sent out a last minute evite to a few friends and by 9 p.m. Saturday night, we had a full 40 plus party going on at Town. It was great to see him so happy and all of our guests having a great time. I am not going to lie, I am exhausted and I need a few days to regroup but for now I am off to stuff 400 goodie bags for the Women's Impact luncheon. Here are a few pics from my busy weekend!

Fashion in the Gardens

Sporty Mommas Booth

40th Birthday Party

The Birthday Boy and his Buddies

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