About 5 years ago I started driving pass this tennis court thinking to myself "What if I took lessons?" I remember playing tennis as a child with my dad and brother but never really learned how to play. The thought would cross my mind about 100 more times before I actually said it out loud to a friend. One day I met her at the tennis court to exchange a handbag. Yes a purse lol, long story, but that was what lead me to the court. The coach yelled "let me see what you got". I had on jeggings and sandals. It was quite awkward.
After I started playing my kids and husband started playing. It has become a family sport and we have bonded with our coach. (Who absolutely loves my hubby because he talks baseball all day with him). Today, six months later the coach tells me "Your hubby is the best thing that happened to me". He has said it over and over to me but today I thought what if, what if I never told my friend I wanted to play tennis? What if I continued to be afraid of how I looked or ran after spinal surgery? What if the coach never met my hubby and got to talk baseball?
Sometimes we have to take a step into where we want to go. We have to release the fears and just try it. If it doesn't work out as planned, well try something else. What if?
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